How Can We Make Our Office More Eco-Friendly?
We may be in a digital era, but plenty of businesses rely on paper-based systems to complete the job, and that is something that’s unlikely to go away soon.
From filing and document archiving to creating legal documents such as wills and contracts, companies and their users depend on print-outs to do their work.
For many, climate change news has prompted the review of eco-polices. So, how can a business that depends on paper become ‘greener’?
Responsible office print: visibility is key
One way is to print less. Emails and messaging apps have diminished the demand for faxes. People send letters because of a legal need or expectation. Paper isn’t as necessary as it once was.
Many businesses aren’t aware of the print waste staff create. Printing too many copies on old hardware means wasted energy and money.
Did you know that an average office admin worker prints 10,000 pages each year? That means lots of paper and toner going is going straight in the bin.

To combat this, businesses turn to managed print services. MPS lowers costs and gives a better view of print usage. This helps to reduce waste and creates an efficient print environment.
Not only does managed print bring cost-savings and improved efficiency, it helps businesses to reduce their environmental impact too.
8 quick ways to make office printing more eco-friendly
1. Only print essential documents!
2. Use recycled printer paper.
3. Set your printer to print on both sides of the paper.
4. Only print colour when it’s necessary.
5. Consider using software to check print usage.
6. Use a multifunction printer—you don’t need separate printers, copiers, scanners and fax machines.
7. Use your printer’s eco settings.
8. Invite an MPS provider to help you review your current printer usage.
We can help you be more eco-friendly
By using a Managed Print Service (MPS) you are creating a more responsible, informed working environment. The aim of MPS is to reduce unnecessary printing and waste. This reduces your costs too, so it’s a real win-win.
Software solutions such as Papercut allow you to track and check print usage, which helps you to find where to make changes that help your business. This supports goals to be more sustainable, eco-friendly, and business efficient.
Manufacturers design modern printer hardware to be more efficient. It uses less ink, consumables, and power. Replace separate printers, copiers, scanners and faxes with a single modern printer / copier.
If want to know how we can help your business with its printing needs fill in the form below or call us on 01482 657 007.
KRL is your specialist partner in print
You’ll future-proof your business’s printing.
Your business will enjoy local expert support.
You’ll reduce costs and save money.
Your I.T. security will improve.
You will improve your environmental credentials.
Tagged as: Cost Management
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